Sunday, December 22, 2013

How dare you judge me...

22 December 2013

To Whom It May Concern,

Let me introduce myself, and give you a little insight as to what our lives entail in our household with a veteran that is 100% for PTSD and has Non-Epileptic Seizures. To tell you about today, I need to tell you about the beginning. Richard and I married in January 2003. He was a great Marine, and absolutely wonderful with my 5-year-old at the time. He loved her like no other, you’d never know they didn’t share genetics. Around the house he was helpful, took initiative, overall we had a very balanced home where responsibilities were shared. He was loving, cared for his children, and was overall a “dream” husband and father. Things changed. Let’s fast forward to today’s time.

Let me start by saying my husband is not an invalid, nor do I treat him as such. I expect him to participate in the household, complete activities, and finish his responsibilities. Sadly, things don’t always go as such now. I hate, and that is a pretty strong word, that I feel I must do everything. I beg, I plead, for help. Richard has responsibilities that are his to complete; washing dishes, taking out the trash, picking up the dog messes, making sure the youngest two children are bathed nightly, putting the laundry away, collecting the dirty laundry, and feeding his dogs. Those are his absolute responsibilities, but he is also responsible for other things as well to help around the house. Things like picking up the children’s toys, occasionally sweeping, things to help keep the house in order. You would think that is pretty easy, right? Not-so-much in this household. My husband sleeps all the time. He “works” for 10 to 15 minutes and then is tired. It isn’t the lack of sleep that exhausts him, it is the lack of motivation.

I am a positive constant in my husband’s life. I work hard to keep him in a safe and secure place. I don’t babysit him, I co-exist with him so he can have the most normal life he can. I encourage him to get out and do things with the family, where his hypervigilance typically tries to take control, and honestly, sometimes it succeeds. But that does not mean I am going to lock my family away. We went down that path before, and I refuse to do it again.

I volunteer with my children’s elementary school, where Richard accompanies me. While doing what I need to do, Richard will do miscellaneous things in the workroom that the teachers need completed, like making copies or sharpening pencils. Sure they are not difficult or glamorous tasks, but he accomplishes them without complaint, and feels good that he is doing something that benefits his children. When it comes to the children, he has a rather strained relationship with them. The relationship between my son and he is nearly non-existent, and I feel like Richard is more a servant than a father in my youngest child’s eyes. My son is barely 7 and has never known my husband as “normal.” My 8-year-old daughter absolutely loves her Papa, and wants the relationship with him to be his little Princess, but she feels like he is mean so much of the time, and he lacks desire to be with her. The eldest, who is now 16, use to have an idealistic relationship with Richard, and now wants nothing to do with him. She is tired of the stress and the lack of help that I receive from him. Occasionally I talk to my kids about how they feel, and I have recorded it in the past. My children’s words are amazing. While they don’t want to “talk bad about” their Papa, and tread lightly, they are innocent, honest, and truly amazing kids. If you want to know about what goes on in my household, talk to them. You will not get a more innocent and honest answer than from them.

So let’s go back to the whole, “Richard needs to be independent thing.” Outside of what I am doing, how shall I make this happen? He can’t drive for six months since his last seizure, so I have to accompany him everywhere. I don’t take care of his responsibilities, like washing the dishes. They are his to accomplishments to complete. So now I wait days to weeks for my dishes to be washed. I am lucky if the dog messes get picked up once a month, which I have to ask for it to be done, since I allow him time to “think of it” on his own.

It’s true, I don’t like Richard using the stove or oven while I am not here, or my eldest, but that is because he forgets and allows things to cook for hours on end. That is a danger not only to him, but us as well.

Richard’s medication does not help nearly as well as we would like it to. He gets frustrated rather easily and must be monitored to keep him appropriate with his behavior. His anxiety must be monitored as well. Unfortunately, the seizures he experiences can be harmful for him, and he has split his head on multiple occasions. Over the past few years I have worked with him to recognize when “something doesn’t feel right” and encourage him to sit down so that the least amount of damage is physically done to him. Many times I recognize that he is acting “off”, and encourage him to lay down.

Am I his mother? No. Am I his babysitter? No. Do I treat him like a man? Yes! Will I treat him like a child? No! Do I continue to care for him as well as try to give my children the best childhood they can, given the circumstances? Absolutely! I run myself ragged to accomplish all the things that should and need to be accomplished. Do I deny myself sleep to accomplish these things? Yes, I do, and I know that I do. My husband, my children, they deserve the best. I have yet to meet someone who is willing to do what I do and for Richard.

My husband deployed to Iraq. But let’s be honest. What happened in Iraq, well, it didn’t stay in Iraq. And the battlefield was brought home to be fought on United States soil, and in my home. My husband can’t go out by himself. Yes, I’m sure you can say that this is also my choice. And I am most comfortable with him being away from me when he is with others that know him, and “get it.” But I love my husband and I want him alive. I don’t like coming home to find the sheriffs pointing their firearms at my husband because he is in a dissociative episode and doesn’t know where he is. I am sure that my husband could seriously hurt me when while having his episodes, but I keep my distance and try with all I have for him to come too on his own. I talk loving to him and make him feel safe. Do I handle it with grace? I sure think so. I handle each situation so calmly that people think I should be “freaking out.” I’ve been doing this since 2006, I’m good now. Thanks though. I have kids. I need to stay calm and collected. I feel that because of my calmness that the severity of the situation is not viewed as intense or extreme as it may be. But handling it any other way would only add fuel to the fire, and could increase the possibility that my husband could be hurt, or hurt someone.

So in what ways do I enable my husband? Let’s clarify, I do it for his safety. I don’t allow him to drive. Silly me to not want to put anyone in harm’s way. I ask him not to use the stove or oven while I am not here. I appreciate my family and our home. He can microwave left overs all he wants. I remind him to take his medication for their specific times. None of us are very fond of non-medicated Richard. And I control the finances. Why do I do that? I do it because he has issues with handling money. The VA declared him “incompetent for VA purposes” and designated me as his fiduciary. I didn’t request it. And honestly, it upset me when I found out at first, until I learned more about what it means. Do I hope someday that he will be able to manage money a little better? You bet! But with his memory the way it is, and his inability to remember things, I am not handing him all the money for the bills and hope that he pays everything correctly. This takes time, and isn’t going to happen tomorrow. It’s called baby steps. When you give some people too many things to do at once, it is brain overload, and frustration is likely to take over. Once that new thing is mastered, we add something new. It is a growing process. We all want the same thing, right? For him to grow and allow him to achieve his successes? If not, perhaps wanting to set him up for failure is your preferred choice. And should that happen, at your hands, it would be on you that my husband possibly meet his ultimate demise. And I will tell you what, I will NOT allow that to happen. He is my love, my life.

So what is with the tone of this letter? It is more like a letter to a friend then highly respected professionals. I’ve tried the formal letter, several times. And my words that are written are used against me, and misconstrued. Instead of getting clarification to what they may question or not understand, the information is interpreted as to how they feel fit. I expect professionals to act like professionals, and not and not silently “poke at my husband with a stick.” The actions at the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC have increased my husband’s anxiety and his depression. How is he to feel cared for by people when they do not document what they are told, whether by him or myself? His memory is awful, mine is awesome. I remember details, and I even logged them as I can to show you. But you don’t care enough to even look at it, let alone document it.

So I am at a loss at this point. I don’t know what I did to upset or hurt anyone there. I want my husband viewed fairly. He is not just his last four and the first two letters of his last name. He is a person. One that is hurting. One that wants to be better. One who wants to be treated and cared for medically. We are so much more than the words and mis-interpretations on a piece of paper. We are more than the nightmares that cause the thrashing in his sleep. We are more than the hypervigilance everywhere we go. We are more than the jumps at loud noises. I realized that when he came home, that the war would come too. But I didn’t know was that I would have to continue the battle, just not on foreign territory, but on Veteran’s Affairs property.

No one should have to go through this, like this. With no one talking to us, we feel more and more explanation is required. All we want is time to talk, and to be listened to. And we actually want what you are told to be documented, so when others look through the medical files, they recognize that these issues have been around for years, and I’m not “making it up” as we go.

I will continue to stand by my husband and fight for him. Would you want any less if it were you?

I refuse to be just the wife, just the mama.

Natasha Massimino

Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Woes

OK, I am a day late and a dollar short on posting for November.

So many things have happened this past month and it makes me so sad... angry... upset.

We have had some issues financially this month and it breaks my heart that when I asked for help from a particular organization so we could buy food so we could it, it was used against me that I coupon. Am I proud to coupon YES!!! Do I live in a state where you can literally extreme coupon and get ALL your groceries for near nothing... NO!!! So it was found out that I couponed and paid 1/4 of the original bill. Many of the items, as listed below, were not food items, nor were they complete meals that I could prepare and serve...
Here is what I bought in that shopping trip
     - Laundry Soap @ $1- each        (HELLO it was ALL laundry soap)
     - Batteries
     - Bleach
     - Gravy
     - Pringles (Snacks for the children)
     - Chili
     - Sunflower Seeds (for $.17)
     - Dishwasher Detergent @ $1.97 each
     - Canned Soup
     - Fabric Softener
     - Spaghetti @ $.48 each
     - Body Lotion (FREE)
     - Pecans (it is the holiday season)
     - Vanilla Extract (FREE)
     - Boxed Cake mix (which in total I spent $5- for 40 boxes... which is 12.5 cents each)
     - Makeup Supplies (FREE)
     - Pepsi/ Mt Dew (I bought 18 @ $1.55 - which they were originally $3.88- They are the 6 pack
                    20-oz bottles)
     - I am sure there are some other things... but NO dairy, produce, or meat products
So as you can see I did buy some food stuff... but nothing which I could solely use to buy food... AND nothing was bought that won't be used.

"I did use coupons that saved me $337- in groceries (which I am extremely proud of) of which they are things that actively get used in our home and show that I am cutting down on spending for groceries (unfortunately I can’t do this fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as meats (the demise of my grocery bills). Sadly, we cannot eat many of the things that we got by themselves, they need other components to actually make it work, nor can shampoo/ conditioner feed my children.

I think that was everything on the receipts... But as you can see it is hard to eat much of those things alone. But I should probably tell you I spent just about $25- on 28# of apples too... which were seriously on sale. And that my son eats 4 - 7 apples DAILY, and eats an entire bushel of bananas in one sitting when he eats them. I stock up for really low prices when I can, then I do not have to pay full price for them when I need them.
I am a bit hurt that someone would let you believe that I am able to do “normal” grocery shopping and save that much. Unfortunately, I am not that good... and have yet to figure out how to do that as of yet."
Their response:
"In your original e-mail, you say you have no money for food.  In your last e-mail you acknowledge (only 4 days ago) buying Pringles, sunflower seeds, pecans, cake mix and Pepsi/Mt Dew.  If you were so short on money for food, you should have purchased food items instead of these snack items."
Just so you know... with children snacks are a MUST. It breaks my heart... I responded with... "I understand what you are saying, I appreciate your consideration. Thank you!"
It is OK to say no. I ACCEPT that. I understand... but it hurts when I am condemned for couponing when I can.

And another thing... It makes me SO angry when people who don't even NEED help lie their way through life and take from those that REALLY need it. I'm not even saying that we REALLY need it. But there are things that our family DOES rate that we are so desperately in need of... Ugh it's that whole Caregiver Benefits thing again. I mean really... when is justice going to be served and when will we finally see a break in the system?
I will continue to fight... I will continue to survive and make do...I WILL do all this... After all I AM just the wife, just the mama.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

101 in 1001 Update: 10/27/2013


So jumping in on this bandwagon... There are so many things I want to do and accomplish... I guess this is the PERFECT way to keep me accountable. Other than #1... they are in no particular order...

101 in 1001 Days Bucket List

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

The Start Date:

The End Date:

in progress are italicized in purple, goals completed are bolded in red, goals highlighted are completely done


Here it goes:


1 - Lose 100 pounds... truly my #1 goal!!!


I see an Endocrinologist in January

2 - Drink 100oz of water a day... don't get me wrong... I don't like water and intend to put fresh lemon each and every time...

I’m drinking about 135 oz. minimum a day

3 - Head to Washington DC and get my Slovenian passport... Gotta make my dual citizenship, you know, real...

4 - Have a "date" at least twice a month... it is good for me to communicate with my friends and keep me in the realities of life... These can be on the phone...

Sara Shaw on 2/6/13


Heather Litz - 2/20/13


Lisa Kronke - 3/14/13


Caysi Bull - 3/15/2013


Caysi Bull - 4/12/2013


Torrey Shannon - 4/16/2013


Lisa Pelletier - 5/14/2013


Lisa Pelletier - 5/15/2013


Summer Tiani - 6/7/2013


Torrey Shannon - 6/24/2013


Kristi Seidel - 7/26/2013


Kristi Seidel - 7/27/2013

Torrey Shannon - 8/6/2013

Torrey Shannon - 8/7/2013


Amanda Daniels – 9/20/2013


Torrey Shannon – 9/25/2013


Tara Halvorson – 10/11/2013


Sara Shaw – 10/24/2013


5 - Go to Portland, Maine and visit April...


6 - Get the wisdom tooth that is literally only half there pulled... after 3 1/2 years... I think it is time to actively start working on this...


It was done on March 26, 2013

7 - Quit... soda... OK... I said it... I am going to QUIT SODA!!!

I have been soda free since 2/1/13, I quit caffeine from February 13, 2013 through March 30th for Lent… Quit caffeine again on September 17, 2013


8 - Build a toy holder for Devlin... Devlin proof...


9 - Build a toy holder for Isabella... again... Devlin proof...


10 - Paint the inside of the house...


11 - Spend a weekend with one of my children individually twice a year. So start with Isabella (February 2013)... Then Anastasia (March 2013)... Then Devlin...


Isabella - 2/8/13 - 2/9/13 (Mother/ Daughter camping weekend - Had to leave early due to weather conditions... so I am going to make up a day with her) April 6th - Isabella and I will be going to the American Doll Store


10/12/2013 – 10/13/2013 – Sleepover for Girl Scouts


Anastasia - 3/1/13 - 3/3/13 (Choir trip to Dallas - Medieval Times, Six Flags)


10/16/2013 – 10/22/2013 - California


Devlin - May 18th... Lego KidsFest


               July 13th... Houston Museum of Natural Science, Dinosaur Exhibit


12 - Have at least 1 date with Richard every odd month (11-Jan, 03-Mar, 10-May, July, September, November)...


Went Shooting... 3/19/2013


Go Kart Racing... 5/13/2013


Wicked... 7/11/2013


Movie Riddick... 9/23/2013


Secret... 11/8/2013


13 - Read 100 books at MINIMUM...


Not including all the books I have read since the start of the year... here is what I have finished SINCE 2/1/13:


1 - Vampire Diaries - The Hunters V 2: Shadow Souls


2 - Vampire Diaries - The Hunters V 3: Destiny Rising


3 - The Secret Circle - The Initiation


4 - The Secret Circle - The Captive Part I


5 - The Secret Circle - The Captive Part II


6 - The Secret Circle - The Power


7 - Thirst No. 1 - The Last Vampire


8 - Thirst No. 1 - Black Blood


9 - Thirst No. 1 - Red Dice


10 - Thirst No. 2 - Phantom


11 - Thirst No. 2 - Evil Thirst


12 - Thirst No. 2 - Creatures of Forever


13 - Thirst No. 3 - The Eternal Dawn


14 - Thirst No. 4 - The Shadow of Death


15 - House of Night - Marked - 1


16 - House of Night -Betrayed - 2


17 - House of Night - Chosen - 3


18 - House of Night - Untamed - 4


19 - The Casting Trilogy - Blood Ties


20 - House of Night - Hunted - 5


21 - House of Night - Tempted - 6


22 - House of Night - Burned - 7


23 - House of Night - Awakened


24 - House of Night - Destined


25 - House of Night – Hidden


26 – Fifty Shades of Grey


27 - Fifty Shades Darker


28 - Fifty Shades Freed


29 - The Secret Circle: The Hunt


30 - Night World 1


31 - Night World 2


32 - Night World 3


33 - The Casting Trilogy - Deep Water


34 - The Casting Trilogy - Full Circle


14 - Plant and GROW watermelon in our garden...


We grew one!!! It was so cute and dainty… It was bigger than a cantaloupe when an animal got to it


15 - Go to Colorado for at least two weeks in the winter... HELLO TORREY!!!


16 - Go to the gym at least 1 time per week...


Going to start in November


17 - Go swimming at least 1 time per week...


7/17/2013 - Community Pool


7/18/2013 - Lifetime


7/26/2013 - Moody Garden's

18 - Have a lunch/ dinner date at least once a month with a friend...

February 2013 - Debbie Shultz (12th) - Chili's


                           Kristi Seidel (15th) - Chuy's


March 2013 - Kristi Seidel (13th) - Hibatchi Japanese Steakhouse


April 2013 - LeAnne Bass (2nd) - Lupe Tortilla's


                      Kristi Seidel (5th) - Sharky's


May 2013 - Allyson Davis (29th) - Lupe Tortilla's


                   Kristi Seidel (30th) - Carrabas


June 2013 - Allyson Davis (25th) - Tea Party


July 2013 - Kristi Seidel (22nd) - Los Cucos (movie - Grownups 2)

August 2013 - Kristi Seidel (24th) - La Madeline

September 2013 - Kristi Seidel (1st) - Five Guys


October 2013 – Kathy Lovelett, Amanda Daniels, Karen Ramirez (19th) – Marietta’s

                           Lisa Pelletier (20th) – Lucille’s

                           Caysi Bull (20th) - Shabu

19 - Learn to scrapbook...

After helping me get all my crafting and scrapbooking items in order, on April


5, 2013 - Kristi Seidel taught me how to scrapbook


20 - Complete the Financial Peace University


School time is a better time to start that


21 - Teach Isabella and Devlin the Financial Peace Junior...


We've started the Give, Save, and Spend piggy’s... they are doing well with it...


Decided that they will do it during Christmas break...


22 - Save at LEAST $10,000-... This is a pretty big goal for me too

As of 1/1/2014 I will have $550-

23 - Travel to Colorado to spend some girl time with Torrey... having FUN the next go around... just me...

24 - Donate at least 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love... This is going to come towards the end... most likely at the last minute...

25 - Save $10,000 couponing...

Up to $3665.80 as of October 27, 2013


26 - Take a walk around the lake at least 3 times a week...


4/5/13 - Walk with Casidy Lee - 1.971 miles


4/12/13 - Walk with Casidy Lee - 3.33 miles


4/14/13 - Walk with Family - 2.733 miles


4/18/13 - Walk with Cassidy Lee - 2.62 miles


4/19/13 - Walk with Casidy Lee - 2.588 miles


4/20/13 - Walk with Brownies - 1.192 miles


4/21/13 - Walk with Family - 1.473 miles


5/18/13 - Walk with Impact a Hero - 2.09 miles


27 - Work on my book at least 3 days a week... at an hour each time...


28 - Work on my blog at least once a month... I know it isn't as much as others... but it needs to be realistic for me...



February 22, 2013 - Competency and the VA


March 19, 2013 - Gunpowder an Lead... or Anxiety... Same Thing, Right?


April 1, 2013 - It's My Life... It's Now or Never...


May 28, 2013 - Is it a Tornado? Is it a Hurricane? Nah, it's just the whirlwind of life...


June 27, 2013 - Battling the VA CGC


July 31, 2013 - NO... You can't have my power

August 31, 2013 - Back to School


September 20, 2013 – Sleep is Overrated


October 10, 2013 – Government Shutdown: Operation Screw Veterans

29 - Make an extra house payment at least once a year...

30 - Go snow skiing for the first time

31 - Buy a really cute bathing suit to go with my new body...


32 - Go to Tommy's wedding in Ohio... in July 2013...


Sadly, we missed it


33 - Go to Washington DC to speak on "The Hill" about the Caregiver Stipend and PTSD


I applied to participate with the Elizabeth Dole Foundation… So I am closer to making this a reality


34 - Get my memorial tattoo for my Mama... which is ironic since she didn't like tattoos on me...


35 - I'm going to copy the BEAUTIFUL Torrey Shannon on this one... Send 200 cards of gratitude/ positive words and thinking about you, to people that have made an absolute difference in something that pertains to my life... I am hoping to make them using my Cricut...


1 - Torrey Shannon


2 - Jacqueline Zwisler


3 - Karen Ramirez


4 - Kristi Seidel


5 - Tania Ewing


6 - Meghann Brodeur


7- Caysi Bull


8 - Babi and Dedek Crepinsek


9 - Meta Crepinsek


10 - Teresa Carpenter


11 - Sonia Flores


12 - Kathy Lovelett


13 - Alison King


14 - Lisa Pelletier


15 - Robert Strauss


16 - Joanne Strauss


17 - Debbie Shultz


18 - Julie Webb


19 - Tim Ewing


20 - Wendy Bloomquist


21 - Merry and Rick Starkey


22 - Crystal Johnson


23 - Laura Yi


24 - Julie Wright


25 - Amber Young


26 - Alex Wilhelm


27 - Jessica Montgomery


28 - Erin Dahan


29 - Holly Rindorf


30 - April Marcum


31 - Tara Halvorson


32 - Nadine Clinard


33 - Ferrin Smithhisler


34 - Stephen Holley II


35 - Rene' Granata


36 - Erica and Vince Delperdang


37 - Shayla Klytta


38 - Joan Millar


39 - Heather Strange


40 - Rene van der Weide


36 - Pay for someone's order behind me in the line at Starbucks...


So it wasn't Starbucks... But I did pay for someone's food behind me at


Chick Fil-A ($12.38 on 2/13/2013)


I did it again at Chick Fil-A on 2/15/13 for $10.57

37 - Make 10 craft ideas off Pinterest (SO stole that one too from Torrey)...

38 - Learn to make the soup noodles that my Mama use to make...


39 - Learn to make apple struddle...


40 - Surprise a friend, out of state, with a visit for at least a couple of days...


41 - Take a family picture that I can be proud of (with me looking good in it)...


42 - FINALLY make my message in a bottle... I have had the bottles for YEARS!!!


On April 29, 2013 I threw my bottle into the Hood Canal in Union, WA... from the dock of the Alderbrook Resort. On May 2, 2013 I was contacted by Steven Weschler of Hoodsport, WA that he and his wife found it on the shores, and now look forward to making their own message in the bottle!!!


43 - Find someone out of state that wants to send letters and fun things back and forth... I need inspiring and loving words of encouragement... yay to pen pals... Anyone?


Since Nicole DeLoach volunteered... I have started...


1 - April 1, 2013 – I got her response… now I just need to respond

44 - Start a support group for wives of wounded warriors in my local area...

I started the Houston WWW Social group for the northern side of Houston (to include the Downtown area)… Looking forward to our first event

45 - Work with a non-profit and volunteer with them...

I really want this to happen… There just have been some road blocks

46 - Take a "ME" trip...

I went to Seattle, WA from April 24th - May 1st!!! I enjoyed the peace and quiet... solitude... and regeneration time... I recommend EVERYONE to do this. It was AMAZING!!!


47 - Go HOME at least once a year...


October 16th – 22nd, 2013


48 - Learn to shoot a gun (the one time I have ever shot a gun doesn't count as learning)...


3/19/2013 - I shot a Glock 19, 9mm


4/24/2013 - I shot a Heckler Koch, .45; Smith & Wesson, .45; and a Springfield                                   1911, 9mm

49 - Fire a shotgun... or a rifle... at a target NOT a living animal

50 - Send my brother-in-law, Tim, a care package at LEAST once a month... while he is deployed...


February 15, 2013 - Box 1& 2


March 20, 2013 - Box 3& 4 (AND 4 cases of Girl Scout Cookies!!!)


May 2, 2013 - Box 5 & 6 - Richard forgot to mail them for me while I was gone...


May - My sister informed me not to send any boxes this month due to address changes - He got home May 22, 2013!!!











51 - Participate in Project 365 and actually complete it!!!

52 - Encourage someone to participate in 101 in 1001...


Why is no one doing it?

53 - Write my children "love letters"... 1 per year... to be kept safe for a unknown future date

Anastasia - October 2013


Isabella - October 2013


Devlin - October 2013


54 - Make Isabella a pillowcase dress...


55 - Complete a 5K run... If you know how broken I am... this is actually a feat for me...


Going to do it with my Brownie Troop!!!


56 - Teach Isabella and Devlin to ride a bicycle... without training wheels...

57 - Have Isabella and Devlin swimming independently...

I am proud to say that on July 17th, my children would go down the slide and then swim to the edge of the pool all on their own... They continue to amaze me with their strength... It may not be picture perfect stokes... but they are doing it and it is a start!!!


58 - Perform two random acts of kindness a year for someone I care about (whether a little or a lot)...


April Hawks - March 2013


Mariah Shannon - March 2013 - She is here because I did something and I do not even know her


Torrey Shannon - April 2013


Mariah Shannon - April 2013


59 - Create business cards just for me...


DONE!!! They look good, at least I think so... 2-14-2013

60 - Renew my American passport...

61 - Pay off the Suburban...

62 - Once a month cuddle in my bed and enjoy a family movie night with my husband and three kids... eating ice cream and popcorn...

2-17-2013 - Peter Pan


3-30-2013 - The Guardians


4-20-2013 - Nanny McPhee


5-24-2013 - Tangled


June - Harry Potter (years 1 - 7)


7-5-2013 - ParaNorman

8-31-2013 – Transformers


9-15-2013 - Epic

63 - Color an ENTIRE coloring book... Natasha style...


64 - Watch the 10 greatest movies ever made...


According to This is what they are... I thought it would be Casablanca and what not


1 - Shawshank Redemption


2 - The Godfather


3 - The Godfather, Part II


4 - Pulp Fiction


5 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


6 - 12 Angry Men


7 - The Dark Knight


8 - Schindler's List


9 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


10 - Fight Club


65 - Save ALL my coin change...


As of 10/27/2013 - I am up to $172.14


66 - Visit the Munster Mansion in Waxahachie, TX

67 - Attend the Renaissance Festival

We might get to actually do it this year

68 - Write a Living Will and have it notarized...


69 - Create an Advanced Directive for Richard and I...


70 - Re-alphabetize my DVD collection... It is driving me crazy NOT being in order...


Completed 7/12/2013


71 - Fly a lighted candle for my Mama and Grandpa Strauss... I sure do miss them

72 - Organize my China cabinet better...

73 - Get the children passports...


74 - Go visit Heather in McKinney, TX (watch out girl you made the list)...


75 - Visit my best friend, Wendy (HOPEFULLY in California)...

76 - Research land possibilities in Westcliffe, CO...

77 - Plan at least 3 FANTASTIC field trips for my Girl Scout troop...


12-14-2013 – Moody Gardens Light Festival


2-15-2014 – Jail Break 5k


78 - Decide what to do with Anastasia's room and start prepping it for it's future goal when Anastasia goes off to college... Will it be a guest room? Will it be a hobby room? Maybe and ACTUAL office for Natasha... The possibilities are endless...


Its fate has been decided... It will be my domain... My craft room/ office


79 - Scan all of Richard's medical records into the computer...


Sadly because the hard drive on my main computer crashed and things did not back up the way they were supposed to... I'm thinking I have to start over... Ugh


80 - (This is getting hard) Get an American flag that actually STAYS on the house...

81 - Get Richard to ACTUALLY put the fan up in his office...

YEAH!!! He did it while I was in Seattle

82 - Fix the holes in the walls...

Richard started doing this while I was in Seattle - We hit some snags and now need the structure of my house looked at before we can proceed

83 - Get a bracelet that represents each of my three children (or add to one I already have)...

84 - Buy a pair of female jeans (I typically like men's Wranglers)...

85 - Attend a scrapbooking weekend...

86 - Make 5 different signs to sell on my Cricut...

87 - Make apple butter...


88 - Take a cooking class...

89 - Make a cook book for my sister...


In progess... they are a whole lotta mind thinking questions


91 - Make 5 new friends...


1 - Michael Gasper


2 - Kristi Seidel


3 - Shannon Aiken


4 – Mindy Croely


5 -


92 - Visit South Padre Island...


93 - Think of something that I love about each of my kids and husband for everyday in a month and give them a card that says this... Use a different month for each person...


Cards are made up... Just need to write them out


May 2013 - Richard


November 2013- Anastasia

November 2013 - Isabella


November 2013 - Devlin


94 - Learn how to sew a dress...


Diana has agreed to teach me... now I just have to find some time

95 - Get rid of ALL the clothes I currently own... Losing THAT much weight... I won't fit in ANYTHING I currently have...

96 - Find a couch I LOVE!!! This is actually VERY difficult... I wish I had kept mine from California... * Sigh *...

Got it July 2013


97 - Read this list once a week... AT LEAST!!!


I read it pretty much every day


98 - For every goal I do NOT complete... donate $10- to a worthy charity...


99 - For every goal I complete put $50- into savings...


$550 - 1/1/2014 - Goals: 6, 7, 19, 36, 42, 46, 48, 59, 70, 81, 96

100 - Finish a puzzle

101 - Create a new 101 in 1001 by October 15th, 2015...