Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Gunpowder and Lead... or anxiety... same thing, right?

So... today I took my husband out on a surprise date. I have been planning it for weeks... just needing a day, and well, since his service dog, Koa, needed to be groomed, I took advantage of the opportunity. Let's just say it was a BIG step for me.

I have NEVER been a fan of guns, or ANY firearms for the matter. But, I took him to the shooting range (an indoor one) because it is something HE enjoys... When we arrived at the D Club Shooting Range my heart started pounding... It wasn't until we filled out the paperwork, he picked out a 9mm Glock, got the targets and bullets, and headed into our lane #12 to start shooting did my anxiety REALLY pick up.

He showed me what to do, put the bullets into the clip and asked me if I wanted to go first. Ummm... No? I let him go first. He was MORE THAN happy to oblige.

He did well... at least I think so... He hit the target... and even hit near the red. Shoot (no pun intended)... my turn was next. I filled the first 12 bullets, after that I was having difficulty, so Richard helped me out. I picked up the gun, aimed... waited... waited... yup, put the gun back down. I was having a difficult time catching my breath. My heart was pounding... I was shaking, and my protective eyewear kept fogging up. And NO I had not even fired the darn thing yet...

Needless-to-say, I FINALLY fired the gun... I had to stop several times because of my protective eyewear fogging, and I kept shaking... but I got through those 25 rounds... Several times I wanted to cry... and I almost did... but I kept going till I was done. Then we started over again... Richard going first.

Overall, I think I did really well... Only shooting a gun one other time in my life (a 357 Magnum Revolver)... But it was when that 1st casing hit my arm and got me good... my aim was not so good after that. And then right after that, the next casing that hit me right near my collar bone, it got me even better. So that's where the errors came. I know for next time, I need to wear a different top.

My husnad had a blast, I came home with an anxiety induced headache and mentally exhausted... but I did it. I am still anxious about guns... and I am still not OK with them in my house... BUT I gave it a chance, and I followed through with it. Which for anyoone that KNOWS me... I am totally NOT about firearms. But I did cross it off my list of 101 goals in 1001 days.

One more day closer to not being Just the Wife, Just the Mama...