Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Is it a Tornado? Is it a Hurricane? Nah, it's just the whirlwind of life...

So May is a CRAZY month for us... the children have field trips, end of the year performances, school activities... all the adult stuff has their end of the year activities... then throw in a graduation for my eldest resident brat in the house (I DO love you Shayne)... and the daily life stuff. Oh and a husband that enjoys his sleep, and cannot find the motivation to help me.

So with that being said... I CANNOT wait for school to be over for the children. This waking up early every morning after having a late night is for the birds. I NEED SLEEP!!!

But alas once school is out for the summer... a whole new craziness will begin. Visit from my sister and Baby Jack... Shayne ships off to boot camp... Anastasia will be babysitting regularly for a bunch of people... Isabella is going to be taking dance and cheerleading classes (thank GOD only for 6 weeks)... piano lessons... AND I still need to find something that will hold Devlin's attention. Then we will have swimming lessons for the two wee ones... and Brownie play dates... LOTS of scrapbooking... Making projects with my Cricut... and hopefully selling them (look out for pictures on Facebook if you are interested in anything in particular)... then Richard has school 2 days a week, and should have a internship (unpaid) so he can graduate in December. I am SO proud of him.

I don't know what I would do if I had nothing to do... perhaps ACTUALLY create things for me to do... But for now, I need to work with what I got.

I LOVE my children... I LOVE my husband... I even love all the animals... but honestly... I also need a slow down. My mind... my health... and my body would honestly appreciate it.

BUT if anyone is crazy enough to come visit during the summer... let me know... I LOVE company!!!