Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For me...

I never ask for much... but what I DO want is the best for me... and that is why  have decided that I need to take a solo vacation... I decided that I am going to Savannah, GA for 6 days (December 14 - 20th)... I need sometime to do what I want to do... rest... sight see... explore... and regain a bit of the woman I was born to be...

This Texas living has caused SO MUCH depression that I need to get out of here and be a little HAPPY... if even for just a moment. I chose Savannah... 'cause well... I have always wanted to live there - so thought - hey probably should go visit it... I think this will be a rejuvenating trip for me... I never get this opportunity - so I am GOING TO take it.

I do have my concerns though... I am worried about Richard and the children... With his recent PTSD episode it concerns me that he will become flustered too easily while I am gone... But I need to keep in mind that he NEEDS to have responsibility and motivation to do things during the day... The children will be in school that week... then out Christmas Break starting that Friday afternoon... AndDevlin will stay going to school... So really just the weekend is the issue... But he can take them to the gym for a 2-hour break each day if need be...

Am I being selfish... it feels like it... and I do NOT like it.. NOT one bit... It is making my tummy sick... I keep trying to convice myself that this will be good for me AND the family... They will have Mama come home HAPPY and RESTED!!! I think over these past couple of years I have become SO burnt out with school and everything - I need a refresher...

This will be good for me... and I know I will enjoy myself... I just need to believe that...

Bucket List

Attend a Hawaiian Luau
Attend Mardi Gras   
Attend Mass by the Pope
Attend the Renaissance Festival
Attend the Vienna Philharmonic
Be in Times Square for New Year’s
Capture lightning in a photo
Climb the stairs of the Washington Monument
Color 1 whole coloring book                        - STarted 1/6-2011
Crush grapes in a vineyard w/my feet
Eat at a 5 star restaurant
Feel the emotion in the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Fly first class
Fly in a jet fighter
Get a Master’s Degree – Complete by June 2015
Go ice skating in Rockefeller Center
Go on a cruise
Go on a ghost hunting investigation
Go on a vacation by myself – Complete by 12/20/2010
Go Parasailing
Go skeet shooting
Go target shooting
Go the Guggenheim Museum
Go to a vineyard
Go to an international sporting event
Go to an opera
Go to Graceland
Go to the top of the Empire States Building and look down
Go white water rafting
Go zip-lining
Go zorbing
Have a star named after me
Help build a house for Habitat for Humanity
Indoor skydive    
Learn sign language
Learn Slovenian
Learn to belly dance
Learn to ice skate
Learn to ski/snowboard
Lose 120 pounds - Be a healthy weight    
Organize all my photos
Project 365                       - Started 01/01/11
Pull taffy
Ride a Gondola IN Venice
Ride a horse on the beach
Ride a motorcycle (passenger)
Run a marathon    
Save change for a year                   - started 12/30/10
See a musical on Broadway
See the Northern Lights
See the Vietnam War Memorial Wall
Send a message in a bottle    
Stand under a waterfall
Start a blog                                - completed 11/02/10
Swim w/dolphins
Take a ballroom dancing class
Take a photography class
Throw a dart at a map and go there
Tour Alcatraz
Tour Hearst Castle
Tour the Biltmore Estate
Visit a Nazi Concentration Camp
Visit all 50 states – 17/50 done
Visit Ellis Island
Visit Gettysburg
Visit Iwo Jima
Visit Niagara Falls
Visit Slovenia
Visit the Amazon Rainforest
Visit the Amish in PA
Visit the Carlsbad Caverns in NM
Visit the Grand Ole Opry
Visit the Illinois Holocaust Museum
Visit the Lincoln Memorial
Visit the Munster Mansion in Waxahachie, TX
Visit the Sistine Chapel
Visit the USS Arizona in Hawaii
Wad in a cranberry bog
Watch the 10 greatest movies of all time
Watch the launch of a space shuttle
Write a letter to my future self
Write a letter to the people who made a difference to me