Thursday, October 10, 2013

Government Shutdown = Operation Screw Veterans

Why you should count your blessings...

I, like many other veteran and survivor families, am affected by the Government Shutdown . We are anticipating losing our income as of November 1st. What does that mean? Well, it's simple... essentially we are screwed. We will lose almost all of our income. Why you ask? Well it's like this... My husband was rated with OVER 100% from his disabilities and is deemed unemployable.

Although he looks fine, his injuries prevent him from entering a work place. You may have seen him a time or two at HEB with his big 'ol red golden retriever, service dog. So he cannot work and bring in supplemental income. So why don't I work? Well... I'm actually considered his caregiver, sadly a payless job for now. My husband needs constant supervision for various things. Let me tell you a little about his injuries and what we go through ALL the time:

1 - Non-Epileptic Seizures - Essentially my husband will be talking to you and literally hit the floor. There is little to no warning for them... and even if there is... most of it depends on him to express... We went through 1 week with 10 seizures... 3 trips to the ER for splitting his head open was included (kinda like an added bonus)

2 - PTSD Episodes - Those are essentially flashbacks or where he goes to a different time/ different place. That happened 3 times during the same week. Let's just say there is NEVER a dull or boring moment in this house. And before anyone gets concerned... we have a fire arm free house AND overall we are ok with the episodes, so no one needs to be concerned... And if you have ANY questions... please feel free to ask. The unknowing tends to bring fear. Anxiety for him sometimes stimulates these. His service dog really helps with this.

3 - Back - So, sometimes my husband's back "goes out" and causes him to go paralyzed. Again... fun fun... That is a result of breaking his back twice, once on Camp Pendleton in a Humvee incident, and once while deployed to Iraq.

4 - Asthma - So compliments of my husband's Vay-Kay to the beach without water, he developed a sandstorm in his lungs, and no has the ability to stop breathing. Let's just say that it was all fun and games teasing him that I was going to stick him with the Epi-Pen TILL I actually HAD to do it.

OK... on to the children... there is 3 of those:

Eldest - She is 16... is that enough said?

Middle - She is 8... Has Dyslexia, processing issues (there is a disconnect between her brain to her eyes/ ears), ADHD (and it's not minor), OCD, and now we are getting ready to test her for sensory integration issues. There is something else but I am so tired I can't think...

Youngest - He will be 7 early December... This is my SEVERE ADHD child... he also will be tested for sensory integration issues (this will come out a definite positive)...

OK... so those are just a FEW things that we deal with... needless-to-say stress is pretty high for me on a daily basis.

And please don't think I am asking for sympathy... I love my husband, more and more all the time. Trust me if this ISN'T love... then I may be crazy (would that be a vacation if I went to the mental hospital?). I love being a mom to MY children and a  wife to Richard... We have a wild ride... and I don't complain.

But now the government threatens to take away the money that my husband fought for and earned, putting the security of my family at risk.

So take this time to contact whoever you can and encourage them to PLEASE keep  the veterans and survivor benefits in effect. Because many veterans barely have enough money to make it on a monthly basis... savings, most of the time, doesn't exist for emergencies.

So this is the time to send prayers and thoughts for the veterans and their families, like mine... As we prepare for one of the hardest times of our lives.

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