Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'll trade you lives... just for the week... I PROMISE I'll come back

So yesterday I went to school... Richard went to his classes... I went to Geology Lab... he is suppose to be in Philosophy. I get this call at the beginning of class... It is Richard and he is out in the parking lot on the ground... his back gave out... ER here we come... That's OK - I didn't want to go to Geology anyhow (that is sarcasim in case you didn't know). So my wonderful friends Kari and Valentina were a big help to me... Kari was awesome and picked up the wee ones from school for me... and Richard pretty much slept for the rest of the night... Had about 5 hours asleep and went back to school... I am SO behind on my Geology Lab it is frustrating me immensely. Only 19 days and a wake up left of school, and 23 days and a wake up till I graduate... After ALL these years I am FINALLY going to have my AA in Psychology (about time, huh?)...

I'm just so tired now though... so MUCH to do... and with Richard having these issues makes me worry that it is about time for a TBI episode... They end up being a pattern...

Looking forward to a trip... I need it... Can it be December 13 already?

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