Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School

I LOVE my children... But not going to lie... I am SO happy that they are back in school. The little pieces of quiet I have during the day, the ability to make uninterrupted telephone calls... and oh my gosh... NAPS... well, if I had time. Sometimes I truly need to have the ability to rejuvenate.

I love being able to sit down with the wee ones to work on their homework... allowing them to focus and learn. It is really sweet.

UNFORTUNATELY... going to bed is not the easiest thing for them. I think their minds do not settle down.

Their first week was a bit off with Richard being in the hospital and not here, but it ran overall well. I am pretty sure the kids like their teachers... Which is a TOTAL bonus!!!

Anastasia started home schooling... for the most part she likes it, she is having a hard time understanding some of the material, but that is because the teachers did not share what their expectations are. I'm working on it.

Still busy as ever... I just need to remember I am not Just the Wife... Just the Mama

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